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Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Crispy Bacon and Maple Syrup -
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Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Crispy Bacon and Maple Syrup.

Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Crispy Bacon and Maple Syrup.

Serves 4

How To Make


  • 12 Irwin’s pancakes
  • 6 free range eggs
  • 8 slices of back bacon
  • 60ml maple syrup
  • 20g butter
  • Splash of milk
  • Salt and pepper


Toast pancakes and lightly butter, grill bacon until crisp and scramble eggs in a splash of milk until soft and fluffy. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Stack the breakfast: pancake – egg - pancake – bacon – pancake.

Now drizzle the top pancake with sweet, sticky maple syrup. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Our favourite breakfast indulgence!