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Deep Filled Egg and Bacon Muffins -
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Deep Filled Egg and Bacon Muffins

Deep Filled Egg and Bacon Muffins

Serves 4 Kids / 2 Adults

How To Make


  • 4 Irwin’s muffins
  • 6 free range eggs
  • 5 slices quality back bacon
  • 1 tbsp Mayonnaise (optional)


Boil eggs for 5 minutes, peel and chop. Grill
bacon until crispy, remove any fat and chop into
thin slices. Combine the egg and bacon with a
spoonful of mayo or a slug of olive oil.
Toast muffins and fill with egg/bacon mixture.
Serve hot or cold for breakfast or with a crisp
green salad for lunch.

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Serves 4

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